Thursday, July 24, 2008

Potty training is going to kill me

or at least drive me insane.... I don't know what I am going to do. I've tried everything and I mean everything to get these guys potty trained.

Here is my problem -they will go on the potty if I put them on, or If they are naked they will tell me they have to go. Cole has even gone on by herself. As soon as I put underwear on them they go in them. Seriously they have been running around naked for over a week now. A week!! I should be able to put something on them by now. They don't care if they are wet. It doesn't bother them. I'm starting to get stressed! I know- Everybody tells me it's no big deal if they are still in diapers. They are almost 3 1/2- almost. I really want to get them out of diapers before Ed puts out new floor down.

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Thursday, July 17, 2008


So I have been avoiding my blog and my computer. Since moving the computer down to the basement it has done nothing but cause me problems. The last time I was on the computer my daughter decided she wanted smaller hair like the boys and gave herself a mullet. She was only five feet away from me and I didn't see a thing. My husband was totally devastated and refused to talk to me for a few days. She left it long enough that it can be put up into a cowboy ( ponytail holder). Hey it will grow back, right! The other reason I have been avoiding the computer is we are back to potty training again and the minute I turn my back someone is having a little accident on the floor. I am very determined to have them potty trained before our new floors go in. I am really having a hard time with Michael. I am trying everything I can think of but he just refuses to go on the potty. I took them to the store to pick out their own potty chairs and he didn't even want to look at them. I can get him to go once or twice a day and that's it. He said that the toilet is to big for him, he's little.

BTW I took out my stitches this morning. My dr is on vacation this week and I couldn't stand them anymore.

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thats my story

Everything went well for my surgery. They only did my left hand. Here I am blogging again already. I can't believe how well it went. I was fine with the anesthesia until I got home. The hour long bumpy car ride home did me in and I spent a few hours vomiting. Yeah I know you don't really want to hear it! Seriously that was the worst part. After detoxing I was fine , just a little sore. Now my right hand hurts worst than my left. Shhhhhhhhhhh! I mean it hurts like a son of a b*tch I can't do the laundry. I certainly can't was dishes! That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

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Monday, July 7, 2008

Once last peek at the computer

OK, I'm off to the doctors in a few minutes. I just had to check my email once last time this week :) I hope to be back blogging soon!

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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Have a Wonderful Weekend!

IMG_6415b, originally uploaded by patteykoch.

This picture was taken at the Kaboom fireworks in Red Bank last year. I just wanted to wish everyone a happy fourth. Tonight Bobbie, Russ and their twins will be coming in from Michigan. She changed her plans and is coming in early just to see the fireworks in Red Bank this year. Also my niece Joette will be here soon.
I have a feeling I will not be blogging at all the next week. Monday I am having surgery on both my hands. Wish me luck!
I also just wanted to congratulate my nephew Lou and his wife Bev on their new little addition.
Autumn Reilly Rodriquez - (I hope I spelled that right)
June 30, 7 lbs 4 oz. 19 in

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I need to decorate

and I need to decorate now!!!!! First off I want to thank everyone for their comments on the blog. I really wish I had more time to respond back to everyone.

I just wanted to post my very crazy kitchen and dining room - lemon and lime Project Palette Board. I know its busy. These are just the colors I like. I already have the apron on the right and the canisters. I'm hoping to do my own painting similar to the flower one below.

Hey I just realized that my kitchen and dining room colors match my blog.

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