Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Goofy kid

Let me tell you something....  This guy will be the one wearing the lampshade on his head at all the parties.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

I caught

I think I'll have to do this next year.  I think it's a great idea.  You take a picture of your house and place Santa in it.  I've done something similar to this for the kids first Christmas, where Santa is looking in the window at the kids.

Hey Mom look what I made...4

I just love this alien.  This was one of those things I started awhile ago and never finished.  The last time I broke out the fabric paint Pumpkin HAD to help.   I didn't have any extra tee shirts to play with so I put everything away.

updating the blog

I have so many post started.  For some reason I'm having trouble post to the blog again.  My kitchen computer has a virus, all the scans I've done tells me that there is mo malware detected.  Go figure.  I can't upload.  I can't download.  I can't copy or paste.  My delete key won't work.  Even my control key won't work.  I can still use it.  It just gets annoying some times.  I'm sure I have to reformat it.  I just don't have any of the disks for it.  So it's going to sit until I get fed up.  I am currently sitting with the kids laptop and trying to get these old post up. ......... OK so if anyone is interested I've gone back published old post from October and November.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Frankie Snowblowing

This is my neightbors grandson having fun with the snowblower.

Baby it's cold outside

Our first snow of the winter and we had a blizzard.  I may be a little strange but shoveling snow does not bother me a bit.  In the past I have done the neighbors houses as well, but Ed and Frankie beat me to it with the snow blower.

We have some shoveling to do

We have lots and lots of shoveling to do

This is our side door to the driveway the porch is three feet or so high.  The snow drift on this side of the house was up over five feet.  I'm kind of glad our doors open in.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Hey Mom look what I made...3

Look at his dirty face.  I think I even impressed my self with how fast I did this hat.  I think it was finished in less than an hour.  I cut card board for the brim( that's what it's called right)  I think next time I will use a plastic lid to a coffee can or something.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Hey Mom look what made...2

This was the second thing I made once I got my sewing machine.  I had trouble with the collar so I just put a ruffle on it.  I have to work on making some more long sleeve shirts for her.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Hey Mom look what I made...1

Aunt Meg gave us a bunch of material and craft supplies.  This is a flannel pillow case type nightgown.  Pumpkin has grown so much that she really doesn't have many clothes left that fit her.  This was the first thing I made when I got my sewing machine.  I started it several weeks ago but gave up on sewing by hand.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Funny Kids

My daughter like to draw and I mean a lot!  She is into mass production or something. 
I can always tell who is in the picture by the colors she chooses.  She is always in pink.  I'm always in red.  Her teacher is always in purple.  Her best friend Emma is always in yellow.  It took me a while to figure this out.  I don't want to get her upset by not being able to tell who her pictures are of.  Yes, I have brought her tears by not getting them right in the beginning, but she has finally taught me how to decipher who is who and I am so glad she did!

So a couple of days ago she gave me a card.  My twelfth one for the day, I think.  I tried to take a picture of it but it would come out. 
Anyway,  It was a typical picture of her and I.  Of course I have to try and find something different than the last eleven. 
"WOW Punkin look at the hair.  You did a really good job.  I like how you added the yellow for the highlights this time."  I said.
"How about the pencil?" she asked.
"Yeah, I couldn't find the gray so I added lots of pencil for your hair."

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

We had a great Thanksgiving.  I hope yours was nice one.  Here is a picture of Pumpkin playing with Funny.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

50's Day

Pumpkin has a 50's Day party today at school.  So of course I had to make something for her to wear.  She really didn't have any skirts that I could just add the poodle to so I cut up an old pair of my pants and sewed it my hand.  I'm dreaming of a new sewing machine for Christmas.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Cutting down trees

I have to admit I had some fun pulling down these trees.  The clean up wasn't nearly as much fun.  I don't shy away from hard work, but I clean up all the time it's nice to do something different.  Ed even let me drive the truck to pull them down.  I have to say even feeding the chipper didn't feel like work.  I just guess I like destroying things.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Trick or Treating

The kids are getting ready to head out trick or treating with some cousins.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Carving pumpkins

Don't they look happy!  Not!  They both brought home pumpkins from school on Friday and wanted to carve them.  We got as far as cutting the top off and then Mommy had to finish cleaning it out.  The kids sat long enough for me to grab a quick picture and then they couldn't stand the smell anymore and took off. 

Friday, October 29, 2010

The kids Halloween Parade

I'm having a very hard time uploading pictures.  I'll have to try again later

Free Template

I know I haven't updated in a long time.  I have a ton of things to do.  Instead I'm playing with the layout of my blog.  This Halloween Template is free from

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Busy Busy Bakers

We are busy baking for Halloween and the kids parties.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Pumpkin, Pumpkin

Pumpkin pumpkin round and fat
turns into a Jack o lantern just like that

I wish I knew where I put my video camera.  Nicoles walking around singing this song.  It is sooooo cute.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Lost another tooth

The tooth fairy will visit again tonight.  This could get really expensive.  Nicole's second tooth was holding on for dear life.  The tooth underneath was half way out before the one on top finally let go. 

Monday, August 16, 2010

We are expecting a visit from the tooth fairy tonight.

Pumpkin  went to work with Daddy today.  She had fun playing in the dirt.  Like that's a surprise. Daddy bought her an apple and she lost her first tooth today in it.  She handed me a empty water bottle that had her tooth in it.  I almost threw it out twice.   Her tooth right next to it is going to come out soon too.  This could get expensive for the tooth fairy.

Sunday, August 15, 2010


I just love sunflowers.  I remember several years ago a farm near my parents old house did a whole field of sunflowers.  It was soooooo beautiful.  Here are some of my sunflowers.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Halloween Crafts

I raided Ed supply of scrap wood and we had some fun yesterday.  The kids always enjoy painting.  We still have a  few things that are in the basement drying.  I'm trying to control my urge to hit the craft store today.  Most of my paints are dried up.  I haven't touched most of them in at least 6 years. 

Friday, August 13, 2010

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Mom when can I get a phone??

Yes my 5 year old son asked me when could he get a phone?  The same boy who refuses to talk to anyone including his grandmothers on the phone.  When I asked him what he needed it for he said so he can call his cousin Ben on his phone.
We had gone out looking for beds last week.  We figured it's about time to get this same five year old out of our bed.  He starts school in a couple or weeks so it is  - Yes WAY passed time to get him in his own bed.  So we were talking about the beds and if we got him one he would have to actually sleep on it.  So as the conversation went on we asked him when he would be ready to sleep on his own bed.  He said and I quote "When I thirty!"

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Chore chart

The kids are loving their new chore chart.  As soon as I put them up they ran around the house to try to do all their chores.  I'm hoping they will still be excited about do them in a few weeks.  They have yet to complete a full days worth of chores.  Yeah for me!  One of their chores is to get to bed on time.  This seems to be the one they have the hardest time accomplishing since they have never had a set bedtime before.   I have yet to make the KOCH CASH they will earn for completing them.  I got a couple packets of magnets from the dollar store and printed out pictures of tasks they have to do.  Things like brushing their teeth, getting dressed and making the bed. You know things they should do everyday.  This is just a visual to help remind them of what the have to do.  I want to make special ones for sweeping, vacuuming, helping with the laundry.  I have to figure out what the KOCH CASH will equal.  What is appropriate for five year olds?  I'm thinking 1 KOCH CASH will equal $1.  If they complete a full day they get a smiley face.  If they complete a special chore like vacuuming they will get a smiley face.  Then they will get 1 KOCH CASH for each smiley face.  Well that's the idea.  I hope it works.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Painting T shirts

Last night we decided to work on some t shirts.  Michael picked out a robot for his shirt.  This one was hard to cut out because of all the little pieces
Here are the steps we did.
1 print out an image on the computer.
2 cut out the image from freezer paper
3 Beat you son for 15 minutes because he blew all the timy pieces across the table
4 piece everything back together like a puzzle
5 iron them on quickly before son comes back into the room
6 paint
7 dry
8 peel off paper
9 wear
I don't like the silver on the blue but that was what he wanted.

Nicoles puppy was so much easier to do.

For Cinderella we used a iron on pen put the outline on the shirt.  There was no way I was going to cut those lines out.