The first time I realized that we were parents and that everything was going to be different now.
Oddly enough it wasn’t the nightly feedings, or the lack of sleep. I remember the first time it hit me. The babies were nine months old. Daddy had a interview coming up for a new job. Money was tight and we couldn’t afford to get his hair cut. A hair cut was only $15. That was a days worth of formula. We just couldn’t spend any money on ourselves. Everything went to the babies.
So, for the first time in 13 years Daddy was going to let me cut his hair. I’ve asked him to let me cut it a few times. I’ve been cutting my own for years. He’s always said, “No, you need a licence to cut cut hair, and a drivers licence doesn't count.” It really didn’t bother me. I’ve only cut a mans hair once and that was at least 15 years ago. And to tell you the truth Uncle Roberts hair looked dreadful. I very excitedly went to get the scissors and comb.
This is when it hit. This was when I realized that our life has changed. The only comb I could find was the babies comb. Not just any comb, but a caterpillar comb. I don’t know why I found it so funny. But let me tell you I have never laughed so hard is all my life. You know, that pee your pants, hiccups for hours after kind of laugh. It felt so good. I should also say that it was the best damn hair cut I’ve ever given.

This was part of a digital scrapbooking page I did.
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