Nicole and Michael turned two while we where away.
I started this post about a week ago. I've been trying to find to the time to finish it. It seems Nicole and Michael have been making up for lost time. My house looks like a tornado went through it again. Right now they are feeding the dogs, or at least trying to. There is dog food everywhere. They are scooping it up in their front end loaders and dump trucks, trying to get it into the bowls. No worries - its sensory play right. :) Got to laugh!
I've been having problems uploading my photos. I think there is to many.
I had to stop posting again. Michael has started pulling his diaper off to sit on the potty, that's after he has already dirtied it. I know he'll be potty trained soon, that is as soon as he gets his timing right. I think Nicole is afraid of the toilet. She went on it once. Now she screams when I try to put her on it. I guess I'll lay off that for awhile and we'll try again later.
Here is a great picture of Nicole eating dinner. Salad my babies LOVE salad. She stayed like that the whole time.
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