I just wanted to post what we have been up to before I forget all about it. We made coffee filter butterflies. We just dripped food coloring on the coffee filter and pinched it the center together and put it in a clothes pin, that we decorated with little pom poms. I read them Good Night Sweet Butterflies (one of Michael's favorites).

We also made ladybugs. Nicole painted hers. Grandma did the gluing. Michael was to busy playing to do any crafts. All though he did make a cereal necklace. We used lanyard this time. It worked much better than the yarn, we tried last time. The lanyard was much easier for his little fingers. I also read them Ten Little Ladybugs. (We do read this book aLot to them) They can name most of the bugs and animals in the book now. They still don't recognize the grasshopper.

We currently have A Bug's Life in the video player. They aren't really interested in it. I thought they might like to See the different bugs, but they have more important things to do.

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