Friday, August 31, 2007

Congratulations Drew

Congratulations Uncle Drew on making brown belt in jiu jitsu. (I had to look up the ranking.) The brown belt is right under black. Way to go!! I hope all those years of holding me down to blow in my face had someway contributed :)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Monday, August 27, 2007

Fun at the Boardwalk

Daddy took the afternoon off, from working on the house.(Which means he only put in 5 hours of work instead of the normal 12) We took off to Point Pleasant boardwalk for some rides and ice cream.

Moes favorite ride is the train. As we left he kept on saying "toot a looooo- train see you soooooon." Coles favorite ride was the carousel.

Crazy Cousin Klaire!

I take so many pictures my kids won't look at me anymore.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Dress up

Having a little fun playing dress up. Aunt Kathy gave us a suitcase full of dress up clothes. Cole wants to do nothing but dress up as Cinderella. She's not a princess- she's Cinderella. Even Moe is getting into it. Since almost all the clothes are dresses. I made an Arthur mask for Moe.

We have a few of daddy's hats for him to play with. His favorite hat right now is an Easter bonnet. He insists that it's a cowboy hat. He loves stomping around in his Boots, yelling Ye ha!


Check out this ebay listing!

Bears, Bears, are everywhere....

This week was full of bears. The Amazing Pandas Adventure was our quiet time video. Cole has watched this video a 1000 times. Yesterday she actually cried over the baby panda being separated from his mommy. Here is a picture of Cole helping make bear stick puppets. They love these things. We made five of them to go with the rhyme Five little Bears and Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear. Moe has been singing Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear for days.
They even put on a little play for Daddy in the front window, while he was outside talking on the phone. Which he has to do often when he needs to hear the other person on the phone, because quiet our house is NOT.

This was our circle/bear craft. I started coloring the black bear to show them what to do. Moe didn't want to color his own. He wanted the one I already started.
note: I cut out the circles for them. Even though they have been practicing cutting they only cut in straight line so far.

Books we've read this week;

Brown Bear, Brown Bear

Polar Bear, Polar Bear


Corduroy lost and found

The three bears- I just love the vintage and very German illustrations in this one. Check out the look of horror on Goldilocks face. Since it was cold and rainy most of the week we did not venture out until yesterday. We made it to Liberty Oak Park to burn off some steam.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

NJs Melanoma Walk

My niece Joette and her friend Angela are taking part in the NJs 1st Melanoma Walk on Sept 16Th. Think I can walk 3 miles?? - I get winded going around the block.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

"dance me moe"

Three o'clock and stillin PJ's

Well it's three o'clock and we are still in our pj's. Normally that would be a good thing.

This is how are day went so far. We started the day with Sesame Street. By the time that ended I had already changed five dirty diapers, and I spent a very frustrating half hour praying for my computer to work. It's raining so of course it won't work. It never works when it's raining. Two aspirin and a cup of coffee later, I surrender to the pleading to paint the wooden toys we bought at the dollar store yesterday. One painted dump truck, an airplane, a front end loader, one train, one light switch, two faces, four hands, four chairs and the dog. At this point I'm wondering if it's too early to take two more aspirin. I very sneakily redirect their attention to making play-doh monsters. Shortly a fight breaks out over the Mr Potato Head pieces. Michael insisted his monster needs all four arms and both sets of eyes. Truly a great looking monster, but mommy feels the need to reacquaint him to sharing. Yeah right! He throws a fit and play-doh goes flying everywhere.

After a game of catch me, we moved back to mommy and daddy's bed to snuggle in the pillows, read some books. Or so I tought. Nicole was very happy to sit and look through her books, but the running and chasing through the house was just Michaels idea of getting started. I really wish this rain would let up. Michael needs to get outside and run and explore. Ah, eveything is quite. So I make a quick trip downstairs to switch laundry and the dryer is not drying. What the hell lets put it on again and see if it works this time. I hear crying- run back up stairs. Michael desided the rather have a pillow fight then read. Nicole was a NON-willing participant, but I just love a good pillow fight. So what if my head is still pounding.

Maybe I should just give up on that second set of aspirin and go right for the martini. Um it's only nine in the morning. I'd better wait a little while longer. So, I head to the magic cabinet to see what we can find. Michael pulls out the balloons Aunt Rachel gave them for their birthday. Out of 24 balloons we finally got two hats, two dogs, two throbbing hands and a full blown migraine.

While the kids are "walking" their dogs - seriously they put the broken balloons on like a leash and are draggin them around the house. I', trying to get some dishes washed when Nicole comes running in with a diaper piched in her fingers yelling "Moe PU!, Moe PU!, Moe PU!, " I know what that means the hunt is on...

OK now I have a choice. Do I -

A) Quickly scout out where this PU has fallen before one of them or the dog walks in it?

B) Find Michael (because he always hides when he takes off his diaper) and race to get a diaper back on that little bottem of his?

What ever I choose it's always the wrong one! I went with A the scout and clean mission. OK I hussled through that grabbed a diaper and off again. As I enter the living room and glanced up. Michael is stand butt naked in the bay window peeing. I should have picked the Martini !!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Environmental Center

So far this week we have been seen Monday at Ocean County Park swimming. Tuesday we met up with Aunt Kathy and cousin Klaire at the Manasquan Reservoir Environmental Center after they finished biking the whole 5 miles around the lake. It was my fisrt time in the environmental center. I've been to every other part of the park before. They had puzzles and stuffed animals for the young ones. It was very nice. They have a few tanks with fish and turtles inside. They also had a wall of tanks with different frogs, turtles and snakes. I wish I brought my camera. Michael just pulled up a stool right in front of the water snake. Every time the snake came to the front of the tank he would scream and laugh. It was very cute.
Well, who knows where we will be the rest of the week.....

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

My Goofy Girl

Here are some fun pictures of Cole playing with her Mr/Mrs Potato.

I was laughing so hard I couldn't get a great picture of her.

We've been busy working on the house so I haven't had much to blog about. Today we took another trip to Ocean County Park to go swimming. It was nice and quiet.

(35 days without a stove) Hint, Hint-Honey

Friday, August 3, 2007

Funny things they say

Last night, Cole was standing at her bedroom window enthralled with clamoring the outside.
"What are doing Punkin? Are you watching Daddy build us a house?"
"No build house Mommy" she whispered "Daddy build castle!"

I would love to go back a make a list of the adorable things these guys say. Just so I can look back at it on days like today when I need a little smile.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Snuggling with the new Harry Potter book

I forgot to add this photo of Cole yesterday. She piled all of Daddies pillows into a corner and grabbed Daddies Harry Potter book and pretended to read it.

Helping Daddy

The kids just love getting rides on the tracker. Moe, Cole and I helped (If you can call what we do help) Ed back fill down the side of the house. What we really did was get nice and dirty. That in itself is so tiring. Here they are taking a little break.

Let me tell you- I am so excited about this dirt.(simple things like this make me happy) Even though the picture is dark, you can tell how gorgeous that stuff is. We had this clay crap before that was like a rock. I couldn't plant anything in it. We haven't had very good luck getting decent soil delivered either. Twice they delivered the same stuff that we-I mean Ed, spent two years hauling out of there. We got this dirt from a friends house. Good news is its free. Bad news it takes time to get it here. Time, Ed is short on.

After the house is sided in a clay color (ha ha) I'm picturing- green grass, a beautiful lilac bush, some pink climbing roses, and maybe some ornamental grass in there. Oh, the colors! I'm getting so excited. It's like planning the colors for a painting. My little bug lover was busy picking up any insect she could find. She found this dead butterfly. Look at that sad cookie covered face. I was trying to convince my little explorer to come inside.

"Let's go inside, Mommy's getting eaten by mosquitoes."

"No eat ski-toes, Mommy" she exclaimed horrified.

"Mommy's not eating the mosquitoes Honey. They are eating me." I said.

"NO EAT ski-toes, Mommmmeeee! FROGGGGEEEEE EATS ski-toes!"

hehe- God I love her!