This week was full of bears. The Amazing Pandas Adventure was our quiet time video. Cole has watched this video a 1000 times. Yesterday she actually cried over the baby panda being separated from his mommy. Here is a picture of Cole helping make bear stick puppets. They love these things. We made five of them to go with the rhyme Five little Bears and Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear. Moe has been singing Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear for days.
They even put on a little play for Daddy in the front window, while he was outside talking on the phone. Which he has to do often when he needs to hear the other person on the phone, because quiet our house is NOT. 

This was our circle/bear craft. I started coloring the black bear to show them what to do. Moe didn't want to color his own. He wanted the one I already started.

note: I cut out the circles for them. Even though they have been practicing cutting they only cut in straight line so far.
Brown Bear, Brown Bear
Polar Bear, Polar Bear
Corduroy lost and found
The three bears- I just love the vintage and very German illustrations in this one. Check out the look of horror on Goldilocks face. Since it was cold and rainy most of the week we did not venture out until yesterday. We made it to Liberty Oak Park to burn off some steam.
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