It was the day before Easter 10 years ago. Ed and I were walking through the Route 18 Flea Market just for something to do. We stopped by the ANIMAL RESCUE FORCE Where my niece just rescued a dog a few weeks before.
There he was just sitting in his cage, he didn't make a sound. In all the ciaos of other dogs and cats begging for attention he just sat quietly watching with these huge sad eyes.
This was old news for him. He had been passed over for the last month, I was told. The ARF got him from a pound in Brooklyn. They were told he had picked up walking the streets. My heart was breaking I wanted to take him home right them and there. I stayed so long watching him the place was closing. "Tomorrow is Easter" the man said, "Why don't you go home and think about it." "We are closed, so he can't go anywhere."
So, that's what I did. I had searched the petfinders web site and found a picture of him. I printed it out, and put it in my wallet. I think I showed everyone Nigels picture. "Want to see a picture of my new dog?" Just like a proud new momma. My mind was made up!
I showed up before they even opened. I was not going to let anyone else adopt him. I waited, and waited. Where was he? All the cages were full had he still did not show up. I asked every volunteer. Nobody knew who he was or who his foster parent was. So, I waited and waited. Someone finally took pity on me and call the woman who ran the ARF to see if he went to another adoption site. So, once again I waited. It seemed like forever, that I sat and worried. "But - but- I was told he couldn't go anywhere." I repeated. After a total of four and a half hours this fuzzy little fur ball waltzed through the door. I cried like a little baby. His foster mom was sick and couldn't come in, so they sent someone to her house to pick him up for me.
This picture was taken Thanksgiving morning.
Today we will be burying my little Sir Nigel fuzzy butt. I'm still having a hard time believing he's gone. Once again I'm crying like a little baby over this little fur ball.