Friday, November 30, 2007

Sir Nigel

It was the day before Easter 10 years ago. Ed and I were walking through the Route 18 Flea Market just for something to do. We stopped by the ANIMAL RESCUE FORCE Where my niece just rescued a dog a few weeks before.
There he was just sitting in his cage, he didn't make a sound. In all the ciaos of other dogs and cats begging for attention he just sat quietly watching with these huge sad eyes.
This was old news for him. He had been passed over for the last month, I was told. The ARF got him from a pound in Brooklyn. They were told he had picked up walking the streets. My heart was breaking I wanted to take him home right them and there. I stayed so long watching him the place was closing. "Tomorrow is Easter" the man said, "Why don't you go home and think about it." "We are closed, so he can't go anywhere."
So, that's what I did. I had searched the petfinders web site and found a picture of him. I printed it out, and put it in my wallet. I think I showed everyone Nigels picture. "Want to see a picture of my new dog?" Just like a proud new momma. My mind was made up!
I showed up before they even opened. I was not going to let anyone else adopt him. I waited, and waited. Where was he? All the cages were full had he still did not show up. I asked every volunteer. Nobody knew who he was or who his foster parent was. So, I waited and waited. Someone finally took pity on me and call the woman who ran the ARF to see if he went to another adoption site. So, once again I waited. It seemed like forever, that I sat and worried. "But - but- I was told he couldn't go anywhere." I repeated. After a total of four and a half hours this fuzzy little fur ball waltzed through the door. I cried like a little baby. His foster mom was sick and couldn't come in, so they sent someone to her house to pick him up for me. This picture was taken Thanksgiving morning.
Today we will be burying my little Sir Nigel fuzzy butt. I'm still having a hard time believing he's gone. Once again I'm crying like a little baby over this little fur ball.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

OMG What a Trip

We got home from Michigan yesterday at 2:30AM. Nigel threw up on me 3 times. The poor dog is so car sick. He was just recovering from the trip out there when we throw him back into the car for 16 hours to head back home. So, anyway I climbed the stairs to the house praying for a shower or even just some blessed sleep, I see the front door is wide open.
Who cares if someone was in the house who is going to mess with a sleep deprived woman covered in dog vomit. I marched up and slammed open the door. OMG!! My blood pressure went through the roof. The house was down right horrific. There was stuff thrown everywhere. The floor was covered with,with crap. That's the only way to describe it.
After my vision cleared I looked at the stuff closer. Oh, shoot! It's was worse than I thought. No one broke in. This was how we left the house. Oh Crap- Crap- Crap!!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

A Little Visitor

The second wren to get into our house this week. This time I made sure I took a picture before opening the door to let her out. I wanted to look it up to find out what kind of wren it was. I knew if I didn't have a picture I would never be able to remember the markings. So, she is a Carolina Wren. I'm guessing she was looking for a warm place to hang out.

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Monday, November 5, 2007

I went 125 days without a stove and survived

Everyone in our house is getting over being sick. At least I hope we are. It seems like we just keep giving back to each other. We spent last weekend and this past Saturday helping Aunt Nancy get her mothers house ready to sell. It was nice easy, mindless work compared to the work Ed makes me do around here. I'll take painting and pulling up carpeting over hauling concrete any day. I wish I had brought my camera with me. Cole and Moe really got into the painting. They did a pretty good job too. I was pleasantly surprised, that they got more on the walls then their clothes.
On our Home front, we finally put up some of the kitchen cabinets and I was able to unpack a few of the storage containers we have been living out of. We are still missing cabinets and Ed is going to do some built in shelves for me.
We also bought a new (new for us) stove for our 15th Anniversary present to each other. Ed ran the gas lines the other day and I now have a stove. :) I went 125 days without a stove or a grill and survived. There are so many things available today that it wasn't that hard. A little annoying and inconvenient maybe but not hard. Now all I need it a kitchen sink and I'll be the happiest mommy in all the lands. And - and - and, if I get my dishwasher hooked up, I think I would be down right deliriously, over the world ecstatic.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Trick or Treat

Well, I got Moe's superman costume on him for a whole 2 seconds before he started screaming "OFF Mommeeeeeeeee OFF". The closest I could get to putting a costume on him a spider man tee shirt. I should have let him go as Cinderella, but Cole picked out the dress first.
We met Grandma over at St Rose for the kids parade. Daddy got off of work early and met us over at the school. We headed into town for a nice lunch together. Moe was in desperate need of a nap so we went home and he slept through the rest of Halloween. We never did make it out trick of treating.
Although we did have more trick or treaters this year than we have ever had, in the ten years we've been in this house. A grand total of three.