Everyone in our house is getting over being sick. At least I hope we are. It seems like we just keep giving back to each other. We spent last weekend and this past Saturday helping Aunt Nancy get her mothers house ready to sell. It was nice easy, mindless work compared to the work Ed makes me do around here. I'll take painting and pulling up carpeting over hauling concrete any day. I wish I had brought my camera with me. Cole and Moe really got into the painting. They did a pretty good job too. I was pleasantly surprised, that they got more on the walls then their clothes.
On our Home front, we finally put up some of the kitchen cabinets and I was able to unpack a few of the storage containers we have been living out of. We are still missing cabinets and Ed is going to do some built in shelves for me.
We also bought a new (new for us) stove for our 15th Anniversary present to each other. Ed ran the gas lines the other day and I now have a stove. :) I went 125 days without a stove or a grill and survived. There are so many things available today that it wasn't that hard. A little annoying and inconvenient maybe but not hard. Now all I need it a kitchen sink and I'll be the happiest mommy in all the lands. And - and - and, if I get my dishwasher hooked up, I think I would be down right deliriously, over the world ecstatic.
Thanks for writing this.