These are the Christmas Traditions that I hope to keep for our family.
I have felt drawstring bags with the kids names on them, that I plan to use every year for their PJs. I would like to make my own one day after our house is a little more settled.
There is always an apple or orange in the toe of the stocking. This is something my mother always did. The stocking will always have a new ornament for the kids with the year on it, as well as some small trinkets and stuff. I think my mother even gave us new tooth brushes in our stockings
I do have a Christmas pickle- I bought it because I heard it was a German tradition, for the first child to find the pickle gets an extra present. Now that I am finding out that it is not really a German tradition, I think I'm going to pass on this one. After all - it's a pickle! I think I will start to do this up a little differently. I have a silver bell that was my grandmothers. It is always the last ornament I put on the tree. Since this one has more meaning for me. I think we will change this one to whoever finds the silver bell first, gets to open the first present.
I would like to add an advent calendar with small ornaments for the kids to hang on their own mini tree. This will have to wait until the house is finished and the kids finally have their own bedrooms.

First we let the kids pick out their own wrapping paper, most likely from the dollar store. We won't need tags because they will know what presents are theirs by the wrapping.
We leave the wrapping paper out on Saint Nicholas Day Dec 5th - 6th for Santa’s helpers to pick up. That way mommy has more time to wrap the presents :) One of Santa’s helpers leaves a small candy or toy in the kids shoes.
Christmas Eve we go to a family member’s house or to drive around looking at lights. One of Santa’s helper stops by and leaves Christmas pjs for everyone.
I have felt drawstring bags with the kids names on them, that I plan to use every year for their PJs. I would like to make my own one day after our house is a little more settled.
We change into our Christmas PJs take pictures and read T’was the Night before Christmas
Before bed we leave out snacks for Santa and his reindeer. -cookies and milk for Santa - we sprinkle oatmeal with sugar outside for the reindeer.
There is always an apple or orange in the toe of the stocking. This is something my mother always did. The stocking will always have a new ornament for the kids with the year on it, as well as some small trinkets and stuff. I think my mother even gave us new tooth brushes in our stockings
I do have a Christmas pickle- I bought it because I heard it was a German tradition, for the first child to find the pickle gets an extra present. Now that I am finding out that it is not really a German tradition, I think I'm going to pass on this one. After all - it's a pickle! I think I will start to do this up a little differently. I have a silver bell that was my grandmothers. It is always the last ornament I put on the tree. Since this one has more meaning for me. I think we will change this one to whoever finds the silver bell first, gets to open the first present.
I would like to add an advent calendar with small ornaments for the kids to hang on their own mini tree. This will have to wait until the house is finished and the kids finally have their own bedrooms.
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