I thought this was a great picture of the kids watching daddy paint the most vile thing in the world- tar.
Cole even laid down in the dirt and make dirt angels.
Oh and we even managed to get some work done.
Well I guess I can live with the changes I've made to my blog. At least I have something decent now. I put in a image in the background and I couldn't figure how to go back to a solid color. So from there I had to change the header. Well that led to more changes here and there. I hope you guys like it. Hey I even created a favicon and I never knew what a favicon was until yesterday. OK no more changes to the blog just post for a while. I'm heading over to work on my husbands site.
Oh, on the little one. Today Cole said I wuv you mommy for the first time. Ah, it melted my heart. We are still working on trying to figure Moes language out. All day today he was asking for a crunch?? I could for the life of me guess what he wanted and Ed finally figured out he wanted liquorice ??????
I have three other blogs to do my testing on, and what do I do? I play around with my main blog and can't figure how to get it back the way it was.