So much has happened since I blogged last.
So lets start at the beginning. My husband is a carpenter/builder. We have been working on our house at a very slow pace. Very slow and I mean years. This past month and a half we have been working like crazy. Ed has a normal job during the day(which just means he works for someone else) of course they are in their busy season. So he is putting in almost 12 hours a day and then coming home to work on our house. After a month and a half he finally crashed. He came home from work last night and went right to bed. Let me tell you I can't believe the pace he has been able to keep up. I crashed after the first day.
So this brings me to the first day of construction on the main part of our house, our bed room. Let me tell you.... I totally under estimated the amount of mess, stress, tears, pain and just work involved here. And- I've seen the mess my husband can create.
So the first night we went to sleep under the big dipper, right here in this bed. As, the planes flew over head we all snuggled together to keep warm. It was 42 degrees that night. I would give anything to go back to that weather.
Now this isn't your normal roofing system. Some people have commented on being a little over kill for an attic space, but we are planning to put a second floor in next year. Will it ever end??? Not if your married to a contractor! When I married him, I married this......
Ok when I first read sleeping under the stars I thought how romantic, but 42 degrees, no thank you.