Thursday, August 7, 2008

Keeping busy

P1010026, originally uploaded by patteykoch.

We haven't done much, but work on our house. It's taking a little longer than normal when most of the helpers are only three. Moe and Cole put the railing together for our little porch. Oh, yeah they even put the temporary stairs together. They are really doing well at putting in the screws. They have had a lot of practice! Our whole house is sided except for the front. The siding for the front comes in on Friday. So we'll be back at it this weekend. Watch out Uncle Ray we are going to put them to work on your house too.
Happy Birthday Aunt Nancy!


  1. Thank you! We will be glad for the help. Bring it on!!

  2. LOL, What awesome help you have!

  3. How sweet. What an education your kids are getting. :)

  4. I love that. Daddy's little helper. So Sweet
