There is nothing left to take apart in the HOUSE anymore. From here on out its all installations. YAY! This picture is of our house yesterday morning before the foam. Everything is all nice and wrapped up.

John spraying the foam.

I don't know why, but knowing they used the soy based foam made me fell better. My husband wanted to totally fill the studs with foam but it would have been sooooooo expensive. Since we already have the yucky fiberglass stuff we had them spray only an inch of foam and we are going to reuse our fiberglass stuff on top.

Our igloo!

Ed reinstalling the fiberglass batts. We didn't get as much in as we wanted. We ran out of light and staples. I could tell within the first hour that is was totally worth it. There isn't a draft anywhere is the house and it held the heat very nicely.

Here's hoping you have lovely weather to finish up!!