Saturday, June 30, 2007


Aunt Kathy gave us planting kits a little while ago. I had forgotten about them and found them in the closet. Here are some pictures of the kids starting the seeds. Cole got very upset when we had to put them in the frig. She wanted to play in the dirt. If they grow - and that's a big if - maybe we will take them to Turkey Swamp Park to plant.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Helping Daddy

Cole loves helping daddy. Here she is helping daddy change the brake pads on the dump truck.

Monday, June 25, 2007

Author Eric Carle's Birthday

I have so many post saved that I started to write but stopped to chase the babies around. I'm hoping to catch up and finish them in the next day or two. I've been saving tissue paper. Wrinkled, ripped is doesn't matter. I just love the colors. I just knew I would find a craft for them. I let the little ones rip up some of the paper. This made a big mess, but they loved it. I also made some magnets to go with two of his books. They had such a blast. I sat in the middle of the kitchen floor with the book. As I called an animal I told them to take the animal from the dishwasher to the frig. They had so much fun running back and forth. Thank heavens the books are short because I think I read them at least five times each.
For a craft I'm planning on gluing the colored tissue to make ?? Whatever they want to make. Mommy is going to try to make an animal. I'll post picture after we attempt this.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Manasquan Reservoir with Grandma

Such a great day! We should have packed a lunch and had a picnic. Any time we see water Cole wants to catch fish.
I'm going to have to get a fishing poll for them. Maybe I'll get one like my mothers. When ever we "went fishing" she would sit in her folding chair with her bamboo fishing pole. Every once in a while she would pull it in just to watch the frog on the end hop through the water just to throw it back out and go back to reading her book. She said it was the best kind of "fishing". When I was little I don't think I realize she wouldn't catch anything with just a frog.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Blog surfing

I was doing a little blog surfing while the babies napped. Yeah, I know I should be cleaning or something. Well - I am doing some laundry. Any way I found this site that I thought was cute. Rocks in my dryer. I'm a little envious of people that can come up with great names for their blogs like this. I've been thinking of changing the name and address of my blog to something cute and funny. I've yet to come up with a name that is blog worthy.
Oh, by the way. I may not have rocks in my dryer, but right now - I do have ducks in the washer....

Stuck in bloggerville

Once again, I'm stuck to the computer instead of going out and enjoying this beautiful day we are having. I know! I know! I am going just as soon as I post this.
Last night while I was checking out some of my favorite blogs, I noticed a few people posting pictures from their day, like the one above. Now, I love photography, and think this is a beautiful shot, definitely magazine worthy. But now come on - this has to have been planned out. No ones breakfast table looks like this. Any way I made a cup of coffee this morning and my camera was sitting right there so I figured I'd take a shot of our breakfast. This is Cole decorating our table with her yogurt. Moe took off and is trying to feed his to the dogs.
And here is mine. I stand at the counter to eat, because I don't dare go near the kitchen table until the coast is clear. Yeah, so not like the picture at the top.

Making Cupcakes

I let the little ones make cupcakes this morning. They had a blast!

I let them ice two cupcakes for themselves. Then I did the rest.
As I took the picture - I hear catch mommy and what do you know, there goes the soccer ball right over my sholder and into the cupcakes. Ah well just another day.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

gray sky

The sky is gray and it is raining ,
sitting inside is very boring....

Monday, June 18, 2007

A Little Visitor

While I was doing some cleaning (ha ha ha), I happened upon this little guy sitting on our ceiling. This is the smallest praying mantis I've ever seen. He was just a tad camera shy. He wouldn't hold still for his portrait.

Thursday, June 14, 2007


Kate at Growning in the Garden State, tagged me for a game of SCATTERGORIES…it’s harder than it looks!Here are the rules: Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the following. They MUST be real places, names, things…NOTHING made up! If you can’t think of anything, skip it. Try to use different answers if the person before you had the same 1st initial. You CAN’T use your name for the boy/girl name question.

Your Name: Patricia
1. Famous Singer/Band: Poison
2. 4 letter word: pick
3. Street: Pennsylvania Ave
4. Color: Pomegranate-Its a Benjamin Moore color -The color of my living room
5. Gifts/Presents: pearls
6. Vehicle: Pacifica from Chrysler
7. Things in a Souvenir Shop: Postcards
8. Boy Name: Paul
9. Girl Name: Paige
10. Movie Title: Pacific Heights
11. Drink: Peppermint Patty
12. Occupation: Photographer
13. Celebrity: P Diddy
14. Magazine: People
15. U.S. City: Phoenix
16. Pro Sports Teams: Patriots
18. Reason for Being Late for Work: procrastinating
19. Something You Throw Away: paper
20. Things You Shout: Police
21. Cartoon Character: Pebbles

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Our very own drive in

Today was a rainy kind of day. We stayed in and watched videos. We also did a little painting too.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Lake Topanemus

We didn't stay long at the park. I took the kids by myself. Nicole kept running toward the water saying "catch fish mommy, catch fish" and Michael wanted to play with the lawn mower that someone left running in the middle of the play area. I did get a cute photo though...

Sunday, June 10, 2007

His name was Henry (say it with a french accent)

He was a magnificent Frenchmen. He was absolutely gorgeous if you ask me. Nicole and I fell in love at first site. He had to be at least 18 hands. I was in such a stuttering awe that I forgot to ask what kind of horse he was. Oh, well.
Our trip today took us to Manasquan Reservoir. Since we haven’t been out geocaching in a while we decided to give it a try. Our first attempt this season left us high and dry. Our GPS was bouncing all around. I know we were close. Even with the clues we couldn’t find it. -- I really didn’t look that hard. I wasn’t interested in getting poison ivy again. I just got over my last 2 1/2 week stint with poison ivy.
The kids and I stayed on the trail while daddy did the searching. There was a lot of people out. It was really nice to spend the weekend with daddy since he has to work this up coming weekend.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

The search for sharks teeth

Or is it just playing in the water? Does it mater? We had fun either way. Daddy had this great idea to head to Shark River Park after he got home from work. We invited cousin Klaire to go along. Nicole is such a water rat. She just jumped right in. Michael was a little unsure. He stayed close to the edge, but didn’t want to get to wet. We didn’t have very much daylight left by the time we got there. Of course we didn’t find any teeth, but we enjoyed it none the less. Any time we get to spend time with daddy is great. Here are some shot of us playing in the water.

Friday, June 8, 2007

Turkey Swamp Explorers

Yesterday we had fun exploring at Turkey Swamp Park. We found a baby turtle and the little frogs were every where. I'm sure I stepped on a few with my monstrous size 12s before I noticed them. Nicole is so much like me. She loves all kinds of creatures. Michael let me put a frog in his hand, once it jumped out he wouldn't touch anything else. He was happy to look but he didn't want to touch.
I'm hoping the next time we go back to take them out on a boat. That's something I am not about to attempt by myself.
I've uploaded a new gallery 12 to yahoo photos again. I know they aren't going to be hosting for much longer. So check them out while they are still there. Anyone know a sight that has unlimited photo storage for free? I know I take to many photos! I don't upload anywhere close to all the photos I take.

Baby Update

I know I have been short in the baby updates. I was hoping to recreated the post that I've lost thanks to the kids and blogger.
Let's start with Michael. He is so attached to his baseball hat. He's been wearing it for about a month straight now. The only time he takes it off is for his bath. He even sleeps with it. He is doing great with his letters.
He's funny. Some letters he will say the letters A - R- W and others he says phonically. Baa (B)- Ks (X) We are currently trying to work on colors. He currently knows orange, red and sometimes lellow. He also can count 1-10. He loves his gears. He can sit and play with them for- minutes. Yeah, he doesn't sit still for very long. I think I'm going to have to get him some more Lego's.
Nicole is obsessed with Lion King. She wants to watch that and only that.
When she wakes up in the morning and the first thing she asks for is -A's mommy A's. She loves the starfall web page. She does pretty good recognizing the letters. When we get to the - listen to the short a sound. She covers my mouth and says no sing mommy, no sing. After we finish starfall she asks for pandas. I love when she says " mommy see andas eat sticks". If she doesn't check out these sites in the morning she gets so cranky. She also loves to color and draw. When she counts she goes 12 56.
She definitely has her own sense of style. She loves to wear her cowboy boots or her converse high top sneakers with her dresses.
I'll try to post some more, but right now I have to head to bed. Night!

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Going to the park with Grandma

The Babies had a great play date with Grandma yesterday. Lovely day to play in the park. Liberty Oak is now my favorite playground for them. Once again there was no one else there. Well, except for the guy tanning himself.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Monmouth County Fair

The Monmouth County Fair is coming up in a few weeks.
This year I wanted to submit a photo for the competition. Hey, I admit it. I just want the free passes. I took this picture today on the way to Grandma's house. I have a love of old red barns. Sadly I don't see many around here. I'm thinking of entering this one, unless I find something I like better. I don't get out shooting like I used to.

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Beautiful Day in the Park

We had so much fun yesterday. We went to Liberty Oak Park. They have a great playground in the back of the park. I love it. There was no one there. It's wonderful when it's when it's empty. I don't have to worry about the kids as much. And I feel more comfortable in taking my camera. I got some great pictures. We came home with a baseball and soccer ball too. We have a play date with Grandma today. Maybe I'll get to bring my camera along again.
I have a love - hate relationship with the bloggers auto save feature. On occasion, I've had to walk away from the computer to say, stop Nicole from plunging the toilet with the broom, to find Michael running his truck over the keyboard and "rewriting" my post to look some thing like this....
JUHVYTUJKL;L,M UTY/}30985t-0956
Yes, that is copy and pasted from Michael's post that blogger so kindly saved over mine.
I had written about our craft from last week. BTW we made rain sticks and decorated them. I didn't get to take a picture they didn't last that long. We also tryed crayon rubbings- Not interested!
I'll try to post a new gallery soon. I've maxed out my flicker upload once again. You know I wouldn't want to spend money for the pro account or anything.
OK, both the babies are in time out right now. Nicole for pushing and going to bite Michael. Michael is in time out for kicking the dog. Got to go now!

Monday, June 4, 2007

I've been tagged....

I've been tagged...By Heather from

Heather is homeschooling two beautiful boys. Check out her blog.

The rules are simple…Each player lists 8 facts/habits about themselves. The rules of the game are posted at the beginning before those facts/habits are listed. At the end of the post, the player then tags 8 people and posts their names, then goes to their blogs and leaves them a comment, letting them know that they have been tagged and asking them to read your blog.

1) The only thing I've ever wanted to be was a mom. It took us 12 years to make that dream come true.
2) I love photography, but hate having photos taken of myself. Yet I still would like to be in some photos for my children to have when I'm gone.
3) I have an awful memory. I only remember a few things from my childhood. I can forget a name of a person within minutes of meeting them.
4) I used to love horror movies the gorier and scarier the better. Since becoming a mom I can't even stomach the news.
5) The thing I idolize most is my mothers strength. She is an amazing woman! She would deny it, saying she does what she has to. I think anyone else would have caved under the same situations.
6) I'm a lefty
7) I am interested in religions. The different types of religions, the differences in the religions and why people believe in what they do.
8) I am afraid of people who drink. I don't know why, but I admit to having mild panic attacks on occasion when I see someone drinking.

Now I have to go tag some friends.