We had so much fun yesterday. We went to Liberty Oak Park. They have a great playground in the back of the park. I love it. There was no one there. It's wonderful when it's when it's empty. I don't have to worry about the kids as much. And I feel more comfortable in taking my camera. I got some great pictures. We came home with a baseball and soccer ball too. We have a play date with Grandma today. Maybe I'll get to bring my camera along again.
I have a love - hate relationship with the bloggers auto save feature. On occasion, I've had to walk away from the computer to say, stop Nicole from plunging the toilet with the broom, to find Michael running his truck over the keyboard and "rewriting" my post to look some thing like this....
JUHVYTUJKL;L,M UTY/}30985t-0956
JUHVYTUJKL;L,M UTY/}30985t-0956
Yes, that is copy and pasted from Michael's post that blogger so kindly saved over mine.
I had written about our craft from last week. BTW we made rain sticks and decorated them. I didn't get to take a picture they didn't last that long. We also tryed crayon rubbings- Not interested!
I'll try to post a new gallery soon. I've maxed out my flicker upload once again. You know I wouldn't want to spend money for the pro account or anything.
OK, both the babies are in time out right now. Nicole for pushing and going to bite Michael. Michael is in time out for kicking the dog. Got to go now!
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