Let's start with Michael. He is so attached to his baseball hat. He's been wearing it for about a month straight now. The only time he takes it off is for his bath. He even sleeps with it. He is doing great with his letters. 

He's funny. Some letters he will say the letters A - R- W and others he says phonically. Baa (B)- Ks (X) We are currently trying to work on colors. He currently knows orange, red and sometimes lellow. He also can count 1-10. He loves his gears. He can sit and play with them for- minutes. Yeah, he doesn't sit still for very long. I think I'm going to have to get him some more Lego's. 

Nicole is obsessed with Lion King. She wants to watch that and only that.

When she wakes up in the morning and the first thing she asks for is -A's mommy A's. She loves the starfall web page. She does pretty good recognizing the letters. When we get to the - listen to the short a sound. She covers my mouth and says no sing mommy, no sing. After we finish starfall she asks for pandas. I love when she says " mommy see andas eat sticks". 

http://nationalzoo.si.edu/Animals/GiantPandas/ If she doesn't check out these sites in the morning she gets so cranky. She also loves to color and draw. When she counts she goes 12 56.

I'll try to post some more, but right now I have to head to bed. Night!
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