Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Today I taught my children how to slide down a banister.  It just happened to be the same banister that I slide down when I was their age.

Last week I had to make a trip to the post office.  I thought to myself that I should go to the place right next to the house that I grew up in.  That way I can take a look at my old house.  Its been along time since I've even driven past it.  Then I started wondering if someone would call the cops on me if I took a walk around the property.  I wanted to see if the roses my father planted were still there.  How are the steps my father and I build to go into the back door are still holding up.  I put a time capsule in that concrete.  I wonder what the note I wrote in it says?
I have to say that when my parents sold the house that I grew up in I never I mean never thought I would step foot into it again.  Imagine my surprise when my husband asks me a few days later if I would like to take a look at my old house.  He got a call to do an estimate on painting the interior.  Let me tell you I had goose bumps.  It was so freakin weird! 

So today I got to teach my kids how to slide down the same banister I slide down when I was a child.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Michaels homework

Got any ideas???  I'm sure it has to do with weather, but what is he supposed to do with it?  When I asked him he said I don't know, just like a typical boy.  I could probably come up with something myself but it annoys me that half of the time is homework has no directions on them.  So mommy is giving him a pass to not do his homework today.
Nicole got to have lunch with the principal today.  She was so excite when they announced her name on the loud speaker.

first day

Today was my first day at my new job.  I start at five in the morning.  Its a good thing it takes me only six minutes to get there.  I don't think I can do any kind of traveling at that time of the morning.  All did today was stock shelves.  I think that's all I will be doing for awhile. 
I wasn't sure I was going to make it.  I have been so sick.  I threw up right before I left.  I drank a thermaflu before I left and managed to stay on my feet.  We had been doing well for about two weeks and then Michael got sick on Friday.  Nicole got sick again Saturday and I caught their bug on Sunday.  I think its time to double up on the vitamins.

Friday, March 4, 2011

back to work on the living room

We took a break from doing any work on our house.  Now we are back at it.  Here are some shots of daddy and his little helper.

We had to cover up the growth chart.  I think this was the reason it has taken us this long to finish the arch into the living room.  At least that's the excuse I'm going to use.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

lesson learned

  I think the I said something like don't you dare put that anywhere near your sisters hair.  So what does he do he puts it on his own head.  These things do not stop.  There is no off button on them.  And when it can't go forward anymore the wheels start going backwards.  We had to cut it out of his hair.  It's a good thing his hair is so long.