Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Squirrels in the garden

The pesky squirrels are at it again.  Brody is watching them out the back door.  They dumped out all the bird food.

I'm guessing the three bird feeders in the back aren't enough for them.  They have dug up all of my bulbs in the front yard again.  I am going to have to put them in cages next year.  They have also eaten the few corn cobs I had left on the stalks.  I wanted to keep the stalks for fall decor on the porch but between the birds and the squirrels I don't know if we will have any left.

Making goop

This didn't hold the kids attention as long as I would have liked.  Michael didn't even want to leave the computer for a minute to see what Nicole was doing.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

August Garden

My tallest sunflower has bloomed.

The lemon trees are just slightly bigger.

The corn is all finished and the beans are just starting.

These are the second time I'm planting the cucumbers.  They did not like being behind the corn.

These are apple trees. 
Nicole makes me save the seeds from everything.  Out of a dozen seeds we only had two germinate.  We do have a peach seed I think we will plant soon.

I love bell peppers.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Visiting Uncle Franks grave

Aunt Ginny asked us to give her a hand cleaning up Uncle Franks grave site the other day.  She can't get down to pull the weeds, so we all went together to give her a hand.  While Ed and I were digging out the weeds and the crabgrass.  Michael asked why are we digging up Uncle Frank.  Aunt Ginny seemed to get a kick out of that.  He also asked her what the head stone said.  She read it off to him and at the end she was telling him that they left a spot and will have to put the date she dies on it.  He looked at her very sincerely and asked when that will be?

Friday, August 12, 2011

Raptors at the Library

We had some visitors at the library.  I was very surprised when Nicole raised her had to help out.

Thursday, August 4, 2011

A nice quiet day yesterday

Well the day started with Michael telling me he hated me after I made him pick up his legos from the day before. 
I made the kids turn the computer and the TV off for the day.  I used to turn them off quite often.  I've gotten lazy and let them go on them when ever they wanted.  Michael is obsessed with playing mine craft.  I let them play the wii for an hour just because they got to move around while playing. 
I thought they were reading some books I downloaded on the kindle for them but then I caught them playing mine sweeper.  Sneaky, Sneaky kids! 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

National Night Out 2011

I should have called this one Michael's worst day ever.  At least that is what he said.  Doesn't it look like it?  He threw no less than three tantrums while we were there.  I don't know what the problem was.  He got to go on everything at least twice.  I would have let them go on them again if he would have stopped running away from me.  The last tantrum was over popcorn.  We have been going to National Night Out for a couple of years and they have never charged for anything there.  So I didn't bring my wallet.  This year they decided to charge for popcorn and I couldn't buy him any.  He got so mad he ran off into the parking lot.  That was when I called a halt to our night out.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

garden update

Lemon tree seedlings.  
I don't know what we are going to do with these.  I had some lemons and just figured I would see if they would grow.  I'll move them inside before it gets to cold.

My sunflower plants.  I really don't want the tallest one to bloom yet.  I know when it does the weight will pull it down.  I really wanted it grow taller than the house.  Oh so close.

My broccoli plants in this bed just started to bloom.  We also have some smaller broccoli behind the corn. 

Our tomatoes really just started to turn.  We have had a few but something has been eating them before we could.

I had pulled out our potato plants and put in a few cucumbers.  I also planted carrots and lettuce in the empty squares.  They are just starting to pop up.