Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I know I haven't really posted in a while but I wanted to take the time to say a little goodbye to Grandpa Vince. Grandpa Vince is Aunt Nancy's father and I just wanted to let Aunt Nancy and her family know that my thoughts and prayers are with them.
A few weeks ago, I was sitting on the floor painting the molding in his living room. Grandpa Vince did his little shuffle and sat down in a chair beside me and showed me a picture he had in his hand. It was a picture of him and Grandma Jane taken several years ago -before he had lost a lot of his weight. I pretended that it was the first time I saw it and not the fourth time that day. He sat back and examined at that photo, rubbing his thumb over it. "Ah," he sighed "That Jane, she's as beautiful today as the day I met her." He glanced up at me and said, "She's one amazing woman!"
When I think of Grandpa Vince, this is what I will always remember.

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  1. What a lovely memory to keep.
    I'm sorry for your loss. (hugs)

  2. Thanks for that Patti. Grandpa Vince thought very highly of you.

  3. Wow, how touching. I am sorry for you loss.
