Thursday, July 17, 2008


So I have been avoiding my blog and my computer. Since moving the computer down to the basement it has done nothing but cause me problems. The last time I was on the computer my daughter decided she wanted smaller hair like the boys and gave herself a mullet. She was only five feet away from me and I didn't see a thing. My husband was totally devastated and refused to talk to me for a few days. She left it long enough that it can be put up into a cowboy ( ponytail holder). Hey it will grow back, right! The other reason I have been avoiding the computer is we are back to potty training again and the minute I turn my back someone is having a little accident on the floor. I am very determined to have them potty trained before our new floors go in. I am really having a hard time with Michael. I am trying everything I can think of but he just refuses to go on the potty. I took them to the store to pick out their own potty chairs and he didn't even want to look at them. I can get him to go once or twice a day and that's it. He said that the toilet is to big for him, he's little.

BTW I took out my stitches this morning. My dr is on vacation this week and I couldn't stand them anymore.

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  1. Good to "see" you again! I think the trick is just to train Nicole and have her take over as Michael's trainer. BAM!-problem solved.

  2. LOL, P was the same way..she kept saying.."I'm too little for that big potty". Her tush is pretty tiny. ;-)
    I hear the mullet is coming back in style...:-D

  3. OMG, Like Kate,mullets are back in. Have you seen those kids with mohawks, I mean itty bitty kids. boy, oh boy. Hope you took a pic.
