Monday, January 12, 2009


Yeah, everyone is asleep and I have the computer to myself. That doesn't happen very much. As soon as they hear the little click, click of the keys the kids are on me fighting to play a game or do their letters on starfall. So, I will try to post fast before one of them wakes.

I just looked and I have about 20 something draft blogs saved that I have never finished. All the way back to Thanksgiving. Let's hope I can finish this one.

We have all been so sick here, that work on our house has been going slow. We just don't have the energy to do much. Ed has been doing some of the electric work in our addition when he pulled some of the insulation off the wall and the plywood was wet. It seems that our house is too warm and humid. We even found some mold in the new walls. Yuck! Could this be why we are so sick or why we aren't getting any better?

Now we have to pull all the insulation out to spray for the mold and let it dry out. When that is dry we are going to spray the inside cavities with 1-2 inches of foam insulation. I would love to do the green thing and use the soy spray but it cost twice as much. I'm hoping this means our days of taking our time to close up the walls are over and we can seal everything up soon. Wow, it has been so long I don't think I can imagine our walls with sheetrock on it.

Time to wake everyone up and get to work.

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  1. Oh blah! Hope this finds you feeling better and all goes well with your walls!

  2. Hey, Patricia, my name is Sara Dobie, Public Relations, with Sylvan Dell Publishing. A fellow homeschooler, Kim Hutmacher, is releasing her debut children's book in February. I'm trying to spread the word to the homeschool community! Do you have an email address where I could reach you with additional info? Keep me posted! Reach me at Thanks!
