Monday, January 19, 2009

The weekend is not for resting

There is no rest for us. Not even on the weekends. We spent this weekend installing a new kitchen and kitchen floor. It's a small kitchen. In fact it's the same as how our house used to look before we took the wall down between the kitchen and the living room. Wow our house was so small before and I mean claustrophobic small. I just love our new layout. I love our house even with the plywood floors. As much as I would like the hardwood floors installed I am sort of glad that they aren't. Our kids make such a mess I know they would destroy it. I guess that's mostly my fault. I let them (I really mean me) ride their bikes and even skate in the house. Since we don't have any of our decor out we play ball in the house. Oh boy I'm going to have a hard time when I'm going to have to limit them (as well as myself) to the playroom.

We are off now to drop off our car for repairs. The insurance company gave us an estimate of $3500 in damage. I know a lot of people hate SUVs but I don't know what I would do with out mine. I can't image putting my babies in any other car. Well maybe Ed's dump truck. That thing is like a tank.

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  1. Hope you get your car back soon..and good as new.
    Still glad you are all safe!
    I would be happy with a plywood floor in my floor is a disgrace to floors everywhere.
    I'm supposed to be getting prices on having it replaced..DH claims he doesn't have the time.:-(

  2. Hope that you get your car back soon. It is rough to be with out one. And plywood floors are great, that is what I grew up with.
