Wednesday, June 18, 2008

puttering along

Today we started the siding on the side of the house. We got 4 or 5 courses up when it started to rain. Well at least we started, right? So we decided to work inside on the wall to the bedroom. We moved it out about two feet. We also removed everything in there that was up against the front wall of the house. We have to take that down next to add more windows. We are almost to the end-at least for replacing all the plywood on the out side of the house. Once we finish this area in the front its all about the siding baby. I'm getting excited. I may just have a normal looking house soon. At least from the outside. Now all I need is my kitchen sink back and maybe some steps to get use our new doors. Oh and maybe.... I could keep on going!post signature


  1. Your progress sounds very promising. I hope you don't have to hold out much longer for your sink. Thanks for the updates. We're rootin' for ya!

  2. Woohoo, yes a sink would be nice. i can't wait to see it all.
